
We finished our last evening of the term with a Moving On Ceremony for those Beavers who are due to join Cubs after Easter – Joseph, Juan, Sam, Samuel and Fynn. Sam is joining Snaefell Pack (Wednesday) and the other four boys are going to Manannan Pack (Monday). It is always a sad time – these boys have come such a long way in Beavers (and taught us a few things too), but it is also an exciting time as the Beavers continue their Scouting Adventure in Cubs. They will all have a fantastic time and we wish them all the very best.

As a Beaver Scout my work is done,
So look out Cub Scouts here I come.
Across the river now I swim,
Held by a rope to pull me in.
So help me Cub Scouts, help me do,
Pull me across to be with you.