
On Saturday 21. May 2016, seventy four Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Leaders plus a few parents from 2nd Onchan, went on a day trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. We met at the Sea Terminal for 06:30, the Seacat left at 07:30, straight into some rough sea, quite a few of our younger members were sea sick, so several Leaders were kept busy sorting this out. The sea calmed down as we approached Liverpool and once off the boat we were quickly on a couple of coaches heading towards Blackpool. Heavy rain followed us all the way up the motorway and after around an hours drive we arrived at the Pleasure Beach, just as the rain stopped and the sky began to clear.


We quickly booked in and All Ride Wristbands were fastened around everyone’s wrists and we were soon in the park. The Scouts and Explorer Scouts were allowed to go around by themselves in small Groups, while the Beaver Scouts and Cub Scouts went around the park with Leaders and parents.  The weather stayed fine for our four and a half hours at the Pleasure Beach and everyone had a brilliant time going on as many of the attractions as possible. At 16:15 we all met up again and fifteen minutes later we were back on the coach heading back to Liverpool. Luckily the crossing back home was a lot smoother and only one Scout suffered a bit of sea sickness.

A successful trip which everyone seemed to enjoy, we will be planning another in the future.

More photos in our Facebook Group page.

